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hand holding a lightbulb up in the air

Blogging is hard, it’s time-consuming and it’s overwhelming, and I’m tired.

I’m reading this and reading that and researching this and researching that.

I’m in research overload because I read up on one thing and discovered three more things and then there are 25 windows open and I forgot what I was researching in the first place and I’m back to square one.

Then when I think I’ve got a small part of it figured out. I read something else that has me second-guessing it, all over again.

There’s so much information out there!! I can’t take it anymore!!!

I just want to create my blog and launch it.

But before I can do all that, I’ve got to have a niche, a domain name, pick a host, choose a theme, and figure out a tag line, on top of everything else.

It’s hard enough trying to think of a strong password for my hosting. WTH!!!!

That’s HECK ya’ll.

I read this blog and that blog and then I find another blog, plus the blog that I read from the blogger that I subscribe to and then the blogger that I find, that was recommended by that blogger that I subscribe to.

Four and a half hours later, I’m still reading and I’ve done nothing and I’ve learned nothing new. But I’ve signed up to every single sign-up available!!

I’ve lost focus and now I’m scrolling Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest and then it’s time to start dinner.

Cheese and Wine, ya’ll!!! (because that’s what I need right now)

There are so many blog sites out there and here I am trying to read every single one of them. HUH!!

Hi, I’m Liz.

And I am you; a mother, a parent, a wife, a spouse, a pet owner, a full-time employee, a part-time employee, a newbie blogger. I clean, I cook, I wash, I grocery shop, I pick up dry cleaning, I play with dogs, and I do the dishes, I have a side gig, I drop everything the minute my grown kids call me, I’m trying to read over four hours of blogs, learn SEO, get ranked on Google and write a post, all on top of trying to take a great photo with my iPhone, because learning how to use my camera, is just too much.  

I just want to learn all I need to know and make sure it’s right, so I can be in favor of Google and not be penalized so I can get somewhere with this blog thing.

Image sizing, Image re-sizing, emails, professional emails, tags, permalinks. OMG!!

That’s GOODNESS ya’ll.

And I think blogging changes daily, at least it seems like it.

Use keywords, use more keywords, don’t use that many keywords, no, use more keywords.

WHAT???? Do I use that many keywords or not?

I’ve been trying to figure out keywords for so long, I had to add some more memory foam to my kitchen chair!!!! And it still hurts.

I started out as a food blogger wannabe and I have a site, and it’s up and running, thank goodness.

But, I put that baby on hold, and this is why?

Back in 2019, I started a blog with a friend, well we named it, bought the hosting and we broke up, right before the charge could even hit the credit card and no, it wasn’t because of blogging.

I kept the blog and tried blogging on my own, reading all the sites about “how to start in easy steps”. I got past that part, it’s what came after that had me losing my cheese.

The after that I had no idea about, the after that I didn’t even read about in those easy steps!

I worked freakin’ day and night and pulled all-nighters when insomnia week kicked in, ever have one of those?

And I got nowhere!

I was in research overload because I knew nothing about blogging and I didn’t know what to expect.

I was frustrated, overwhelmed, confused, and upset, I would be in tears, TEARS!!

Next thing you know, renewal was upon me and I couldn’t afford to waste more money on an empty site, so I let it go.

I didn’t quit, I just had to stop, I had to get a plan and figure this thing out and I had to do it better than the first time.

And I had to save to invest for when I was ready to start again.

And here I am!

But what happened to the food blog? It’s still around, but I totally switched gears here.

My new plan was to take time off to learn about blogging, and that’s what I did for over a year and I found out I really enjoyed learning about blogging.

So when I came back I decided to start a new site with a new niche and I’m loving it!!

My main goal and purpose here: is to help you not be me and waste time in tears, to help you get where you want to be faster, to help you know where to go for the best resources, to tell you what’s really up with blogging expectations and to keep you from reading for hours and hours and accomplishing nothing.

So, let’s begin the journey to blogging, the ins and outs, the what you need to know, the good, the bad and the ugly and the truth.

I’m here for you and if you need help, we can figure this out together!  

Because you know what?

Blogging is hard!!

And there’s no crying in blogging!!!!!

Okay, there is crying in blogging because I’ve done it. But I dry my tears and press on!!!

So, Let’s Do This Blog Thing!!!

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